Following Actor Network Theory and thus investigating songwriting as a sociomaterial process we present, exemplify, and discuss the results of the exploration of informal practices. This study is a first attempt to examine songs as distributed objects or – in the sense of Bruno Latour – as heterogeneous associations of human and non-human actors. The consequence of such an approach is that learning and knowledge are no longer understood as mere cognitive processes, but as practices of network formation distributed over persons and artifacts.
Marc Godau, Matthias Haenisch: »How Popular Musicians Learn in the Postdigital Age – Ergebnisse einer Studie zur Soziomaterialität des Songwritings von Bands in informellen Kontexten«, in: Praxen und Diskurse aus Sicht Musikpädagogischer Forschung, hrsg. v. Verena Weidner & Christian Rolle, Münster/New York 2019, 51-68.