The joint research project ›Transform – Transformative educational processes in performative projects‹ (University Potsdam, Braunschweig University of Art) examines the conditions under which performative educational processes expand the capacity to act and promote social participation. Educational processes are understood as transformations of patterns of perception and interpretation in transitional situations. These processes are investigated in informal and non-formal fields of education for young people and adults as well as in cooperation with formal educational institutions.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Ludwig (University of Potsdam)
Dr. Katarina Kleinschmidt (University of Potsdam)
Dr. Sarah Thomsen (University of Potsdam)
Eliana Schüler (University of Potsdam)
Matthias Haenisch (University of Potsdam – 04/2017-09/2017)
Marc Godau (University of Potsdam – 02/2017-08/2017)