As part of this year’s AMPF conference, the MuBiTec research association is organizing its own symposium: “Research approaches in dialogue. On the relation of different […]
Cultural Education and Digitality: Introducing the MuBiTec Research Association
This is the first volume in the series “Cultural Education and Digitality”. It provides an overview of the projects of the funding line “Research on […]
Conference Panel: Innovative Music Education – Practices and Findings
Michael Ahlers (Leuphana University Lüneburg), Marc Godau (University of Applied Science Clara Hoffbauer Potsdam) and Matthias Haenisch (University of Erfurt) will hold a panel on […]
Music in the Disruptive Era: The Digital, the Internet and Beyond
How do processes of subjectivation take shape in digitally networked collaborative musicking? And how do the specific characteristics of the various forms of online communication […]
Digitalization and Arts Education – New empirical approaches
The spread of mobile digital technologies such as smartphones, tablets or laptops has led to massive changes in musical practices in recent years. As a […]
An Actor Network-Study on the Sociomateriality of Band’s Songwriting
Following Actor Network Theory and thus investigating songwriting as a sociomaterial process we present, exemplify, and discuss the results of the exploration of informal practices. […]
»… like being in a band, baby!!!« – Postdigital Semantics and Discursive Strategies in the Online-Communication about Ableton Link
The article discusses the construction of meaning in online communication about Ableton Link technology through the lens of sociological systems theory. Link is a technology […]
Musical Learning in Postdigital Communities [2017-2020]
The research project ›LINKED – Musical Learning in Postdigital Communities‹ (University of Erfurt/promoted by Federal Ministry of Education and Research; term: 2017-2020) investigates musical practices […]
Research & Development Project: Popular Music Learning in the Postdigital Age [2018-2021]
What does contemporary pop music education look like? What are the special possibilities and demands of learning in popular music? What role do current music […]
Workshops on Digital Musicking with Apps
As a result of my own musical practice and my teaching and research activities in the field of mobile music making, I have started giving […]